time to bring back the blog...

Monday, September 23, 2013

with some big news!
that little guy/girl (loungin with its feet up already) is due early this march & i couldn't be more thrilled.

this came as a total... and i mean total, surprise. pete and i were not planning on having kids until i had more time to heal my spine, we had JUST moved out to cali for goodness sake. but this little peanut will bring us such happiness and love, i cannot wait.
so that's where i've been... in CT... for the past few months seeing all my doctors, figuring out how i am going to have a baby after the past year. i am already considered high risk, but i have a team of people i trust completely, monitoring everything & calming my nerves. the problem has been that there is literally zero information on anyone who has gone through a pregnancy after a coccygectomy (the surgery i had a year ago)... let alone anyone who had the spinal infection and complications i went through. my doctors all did literary searches and came up empty handed. so i'm basically on my own with advice when it comes to anyone else who has been through something similar, which has been tough, but i've had lots of support & so far besides my usual spine pain, i feel great :) 

i am so happy to have the blog back, i've missed it so much. and how bout this weather huh?! perfect fall goodness. thank you to all my readers & happy monday!!

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