
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 wins the award for the fastest year gone by... like poof! it's january again. so much happened this past year: pete and i celebrated our one year anniversary, we moved back to Connecticut, i had my tailbone removed, our indoor cats became outside cats, i went blonde/brunette/blonde in less than a month, took two trips to california, and i started this blog.
image via Mikasawa here

2013 brings the hope of great things to come.
 some of my new year's resolutions are as follows:

blog more: ideally i would love to post everyday, but more than anything my goal is to become more educated on photography, photoshop, etc... & redesign the blog with a much needed facelift.

stop biting my nails: i literally say this every year.

drink more water: i am so guilty of not drinking enough & when i chugged water like it was my job before my wedding, the difference in my skin was amazing.

travel to europe: i have always wanted to explore europe and with my in laws moving to Switzerland for two years, we are hoping to take the flight over there and travel for a bit while we can.

stay positive: life can throw things your way that can be hard to handle sometimes.  i am striving to stay positive this new year along with incorporating random acts of kindness into my everyday life.

start a journal: i am known for my lists, but this year i vow to start a journal. i think it is an excellent way to get your thoughts and feelings out.

encourage more to start blogging: i love to brag about my friends and other people. i think that there are so many talented people in this world and i truly believe their opinions and talents should be heard and seen. some of my friends are so educated in health, fitness, food, etc... and my mission is to have them share their knowledge with the world by blogging. 

what are your New Year's resolutions?

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