Luke Kenneth Babnis

Thursday, March 13, 2014

born March 6th, 2014 at 10am on the dot.
7lbs 12oz & so much love. 

he is now one week old. one week! and has brought such joy to our lives. with his smiles, his little sounds, his brown eyes and head full of hair... i can't believe he was in my belly a week ago. and now that belly is gone, and i wake up to this little miracle every morning. 

pete and i have always loved the name Luke. it was between that and a few other names, but Luke just fits him... and Kenneth is a family name. i will be sharing my birth story, because obviously he decided to come early, obviously he was a lot bigger than i thought!! & i would love to share my experience with a c-section and tips for the hospital stay. 

and of course, lots more photos of baby Luke will be coming over the next few days. i am still adjusting to life with a baby, still working on this thing called breastfeeding which i thought would be super easy (not!) and still healing from the surgery.

we love you Luke, so so much. 
love, mom & dad

1 comment:

  1. Yey! Congrats! I am so happy to have been able to follow this journey with you via social media and I look forward to all the future posts :-) Speedy recovery and health and happiness to you all!!!

