tale of a bone

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

an update:
about a week and a half ago i met with Dr. Kane at his north jersey office. i explained what had been going on and he took a look at my MRI which to much disappointment was blurry and didn't show what he needed to see. he did a physical exam to see how stable my coccyx was and said that he felt it was fairly stable but he wasn't 100% sure. he ordered a special x-ray to be done and gave me a shot of cortisone (which didn't do anything) and i was on my way home.

yesterday was my second appointment. i went to his office location and on the first floor was the radiology department that he had trained staff to give this special x-ray. they took a picture of me laying down first, then one where i was sitting. the object was to show if there was any movement in my tailbone. i brought the images upstairs to Dr. Kane for a "wet reading" and right away it was obvious where my pain is coming from. a normal tailbone has a slight curve at the bottom which mine showed in my laying down x-ray. in my sitting picture, the bottom two vertebrates are completely rotated upwards and almost don't even look attached to my spine. below is that image of me sitting. it's very hard to see as it was taken with my iphone, but you can very faintly see the curling up of the last two parts of my tailbone. that movement is what causes my pain, and that movement is why i'm having surgery in two weeks.

at this point i am extremely nervous. it is a major surgery with a 6 week recovery and up to 4 months before i can sit comfortably again, however i am excited to get this over with and excited for the long term ability to sit without pain... and wear jeans again!

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